Code Contribution
This section outlines the steps involved in creating new repositories per lot, the onboarding process for contribution. It ensures a structured and collaborative approach to managing project repositories and contributions.
- Define the purpose, scope, and goals of the new repository.
- Determine the lot structure, including the specific features, components, or modules to be included in the repository.
- Identify potential contributors and committers for the lot.
Repository Creation:
- Create a new repository on GitLab with an appropriate name and description.
- Access controls are automatically applied from the project’s list of users (PLs, committers, contributors).
- As a good practice, we recommend adding the usual legal files, as defined in
- The licence needs to be the one selected for the Eclipse XFSC project, i.e. Apache 2.
- Submit an issue in the HelpDesk1 to configure any admin-specific repository settings (e.g. branch protection).