Onboarding Process
- Review the project's contribution guidelines and code of conduct.
- Set up the development environment as per project requirements.
- Fork the repository to their personal space on Eclipse’s GitLab.
- Clone the repository to their local machine.
- Create a new branch for their contributions.
- Submit a merge request (MR, aka PR on GitLab) for their changes.
- Engage publicly in discussions and revisions as needed.
- Once the MR is approved, their contributions are merged into the repository by a committer.
- New contributors may be assigned a mentor for guidance and support.
Work Stream
- Contributors work on their assigned features, components, or modules within the repository.
- Maintain an active, public communication channel for contributors to collaborate and seek assistance (e.g., mailing list of GitLab’s issues).
- Regularly update the repository with new features, bug fixes, and improvements.